[Via- TIME]
A recent study by researchers at Ohio States University has analyzed the differences in weight gain among men and women after marriage and divorce. The study found that women tended to gain more weight than men after marriage, while after a divorce, men’s girth expanded more than women’s[.]
The study examined more than 10,000 U.S. men and women who were between the ages of 14 and 22 in 1979 when the data collection began. The participants were contacted and questioned every year until 1994 when the survey ended.
Although both men and women who married tended to gain weight compared with their counterparts who stayed single, women tended to gain more weight than men. Two years after a divorce, separated partners tended to be heavier compared with couples who remained married, but conversely, men posted larger weight gains than women[.]
The study did not delve into what particular lifestyle habits — in diet or physical activity, for example — may have changed after either marriage or divorce to lead to weight gain, but the relationship between weight and life events remained strong after the researchers accounted for potential confounding factors such as race, obesity at the start of the study, education and income[.]