Many foot and ankle problems and conditions can be difficult to diagnose.
At Healthmark, your feet first is our belief. The foot is connected to the rest of the body and often offers the first signs of systemic health issues such as diabetes and peripheral artery disease.
When you have received a diagnosis, it can often be incorrect. And the internet is not always correct when you ask Dr. Google what is wrong. Seeing a trained medical specialist is always recommended for injuries and pain. Plantar plate tears, nerve pain, and heel pain are all culprits of misdiagnosed conditions. Sports injuries and sprains can also be a concern for getting a second opinion.
Healthmark physicians are extensively trained and have detailed systems and protocols to diagnose and treat all foot and ankle conditions correctly.
Are you looking for a second opinion in Philadelphia?
If you are looking for a second opinion in Philadelphia, PA? Contact an experienced Healthmark Foot and Ankle Associate podiatrist today.