Have you heard the term “pigeon-toed?” This is what many call intoeing. This inward turning of the feet results from a skeletal or neurological problem. Intoeing can come from multiple levels - the foot, tibia, femur, or hip.
A common condition, intoeing, is often undertreated. Many medical authorities will say a child will grow out of intoeing, but they really don’t, and aggressive treatment may be necessary at a late stage of the problem. The concern arises when a child’s gate changes or presents itself later in life. Intoeing is typically related to the inter-uterine position of the baby in pregnancy before birth. Early recognition and early treatment are vital with intoeing.
Determining Intoeing Conditions
Hallux varus - Affecting the big toe, this condition causes it to turn toward the inside of the foot.
Metatarsus adductus - This condition is where the front half of the foot curves inward. This is the most common and usually corrects itself.
Tibial Torsion - This condition is where the shinbone, the tibia, is twisted inward, causing the foot to turn inward. This is also common in children but may not be physically noticeable until a child begins to move around. Your Healthmark podiatrist offer treatments that are helpful in remedying the problem before a child is beyond ten years of age.
Femoral Anteversion - The femur or thighbone can also turn inward, causing a child’s gate to change with walking or running, causing the knees and feet to turn inward. This is the least common occurrence of intoeing but may need surgical intervention. A child sitting consistently in the “W” position could be a sign of femoral anteversion.
Cavus Deformity - Discovered at birth, this is an extremely high arch of the foot, typically representing a neurological problem.
Talipes equinovarus - You most likely know this condition as clubfoot. A congenital condition at birth that needs to be treated right away so it does not inhibit mobility.
Are you looking for an intoeing specialist in Philadelphia?
If you are looking for intoeing care in Philadelphia, PA? Contact Healthmark Foot and Ankle Associates today.