Pregnancy can impact the feet in numerous ways: One may experience more overpronation and the symptoms of plantar fasciitis due to increased body weight and an increase in foot size related to hormonal changes. Leg cramps, varicose vein development, and blisters are common due to the increased weight put on the lower extremity over the months that the baby develops. Find out more about this here.
Is it normal for my baby’s feet to look discolored or wrinkled? Or for baby’s foot skin to peel when they’re born?
Babies spend anywhere from nine to ten months in a shelter of protective fluid. The feet need just as much time to fill out and turn a normal color as the rest of the body. After birth, your obstetrician and then later your pediatrician will look for obvious abnormalities of your baby’s feet and legs.
Are there certain things I can do to care for my baby’s feet?
Caring for your baby’s feet is no different than the care you provide to the rest of their body. Trim your child’s toenails with baby nail clippers, making sure to cure straight across to prevent ingrown toenails. Also be sure to thoroughly dry the baby’s feet after washing.
At what age should my child take their first steps?
When physically and emotionally ready, the child will walk. Comparisons with other children can be misleading since the age for independent walking may range from ten to eighteen months after birth.
When should I put my baby in their first pair of shoes?
When your child first begins to walk, shoes are not necessary for the indoors. Allowing your baby to go barefoot or to wear socks can help the foot grow normally by promoting the development of musculature and strength, in addition to the grasping and flexing action of the toes and feet. Of course, when walking outside or on rough surfaces, babies’ feet should be protected in lightweight, flexible footwear made of natural materials with a smooth and low tread. Shoes for the first year are just for protection, not support.
When should I take my child to see the podiatrist?
The American Podiatric Medical Association recommends having your child examined by a podiatrist if there is a family history of foot problems. Once the baby is able to walk, make sure their feet and legs are progressing normally. Look for bow-legged features, inward or outward facing feet, toe and nail deformities, and any abnormal mechanical functions of the feet and legs. 3-4 months after the first steps for examination.