Many people who are suffering through their days with a soft corn have no idea what it is. They assume that they have dead skin between their toes, or they have athlete’s foot—causing them to try ineffective treatments that will not relieve the pain.
A soft corn is a corn between the toes, usually between the fourth and fifth toe. The corn usually forms due to an underlying bone spur, and the pinching and rubbing of footwear causes the patient extreme pain. It is called a “soft” corn because the moisture of your foot will keep the skin from callousing, causing a buildup of white, mushy skin over the corn.
A soft corn should be treated carefully, since the affected area is a prime location for bacteria. Open sores may easily become infected, so over-the-counter corn treatments should not be used on soft corns. Patients should first try relieving the pressure on the corn by placing foam pads or cotton between the toes to cushion their footsteps. Regular foot washing and a small amount of antibiotic ointment will reduce the risk of infection as your corn heals.
If the corn does not go away on its own, patients may choose to have their corns removed. Surgery may involve removal of the corn and the bone spur underneath it in order to prevent the corn from coming back.
If you think you may be suffering from soft corns in Phoenixville, the podiatrists at HealthMark Foot & Ankle Associates can help you recover. Call us today for an appointment in Media at 610-565-3668 or in Phoenixville at 610-933-8644, or click the link on this page for a FREE copy of our book, The Foot is Not an Island: Recognizing Vitamin D Deficiency & How to Correct It.