The Philadelphia podiatrists at Healthmark Foot & Ankle Associates know that treating a foot condition takes more than just painkillers and foot soaks. That’s why when we advise our patients on pain relief for bunions, we examine all aspects of the foot, not just the pain at the site of the toe joint.

For instance, bunions will often cause problems with:

  • Swelling. Your skin and the tissues underneath may all be inflamed and painful, making wearing shoes difficult.
  • The other toes. As your bunion grows and the big toe turns inward, your other toes may bunch together, causing misalignment throughout the foot. Added pressure on the smaller toes can also cause other conditions to form, such as corns, hammertoes, or calluses.
  • Toenails. As your toes squeeze together, your toenails may begin to grow toward (or even into) each other, causing bleeding, open sores, or ingrown toenails.
  • Walking. The pain of a bunion can make it difficult for you to walk normally. However, shifting your weight to accommodate the pain will place undue stress on other areas of the body, causing further discomfort, body misalignment, and even eventual deformation.

The treatment for your bunion depends on the stage of your injury. Untreated bunions grow larger and more painful over time, but if discovered early, you may be able to avoid surgical options and remedy your pain with corrective therapy.

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