During a recent visit to Healthmark Foot and Ankle, an unwelcomed guest was found on the foot of a patient. An adult male, dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) was found crawling around the foot of a patient who came in for a completely different issue. The tick had just began to attach to the flesh when it was safely removed without penetrating the skin. There were no red marks or swelling in and around the area the tick was found.
The patient being in his mid-60's comes to Healthmark Foot and Ankle for general foot care and has poor vision and a bad back. These two additional conditions make it very difficult to spot small parasitic arachnids like ticks. The patient thought that the tick was a mole or skin blotch and had no idea it was there.
The person featured in this case rarely wears socks because his bad back inhibits him from bending over. The conclusion has been made that the tick crawled into the shoe and had direct access to the flesh because of the absence of socks. Wearing socks can prevent tick bits to the flesh of the foot. The man was monitored for symptoms of Lyme Disease for several weeks and reported no problems. Lyme Disease is very common in the Philadelphia tri-state area, see here.
For more questions about ticks, Lyme Disease, and general foot health call Heathmark Foot and Ankle today!
Media, PA 610-565-3668
Phoenixville, PA 610-933-8644