We all get excited about new shoes for whatever season. Summertime gives us the chance to wear open-toe shoes and sandals, or even to spend time completely barefooted. For many people with corns and callus build-up, warm weather footwear can be a touchy subject. You want to wear those new 'gladiators' that your husband bought you, or the new wedges that you treated yourself to as an impulse purchase. For some people when the time comes to show off the new footwear, the dry, crusty calluses on the tops and sides of your toes become an self-conscious barrier from even walking out of the house.
There are some simple solutions to hiding, reducing, and treating the appearance of corns.
If you realize that corns are beginning to develop, look for sandals and open-toed shoes that strategically hid certain areas of you foot. This strategy works well in the early stages of corn growth, but if left up treated this technique become difficult to pull off, and the corns can become worse.
When you realize you have one small area of dry skin or calluses forming on the toes, one quick solution is to cover the affected area with a flesh colored adhesive strip. This does not treat the corn in anyway, but offers a simple and quick solution if time is tight.
For reducing and treating corns and calluses, there are many products that you can buy at your local pharmacy or department store. Topical made for reducing dry, dead skin build-up use the active ingredient salicylic acid to eat away at growths such as corns and warts. The regular use of these products can help reduce and prevent the growth of corns and calluses on your toes and feet.
Wearing proper footwear on a regular basis can help prevent the initial formation of corns as well as help reduce the worsening of the condition itself. Make sure you wear clean socks and pay attention to any areas of rubbing or pressure in your regular shoes and sneakers.
Using moisturizers and lotions on a regular basis will keep the skin on the foot and toes healthy and less likely to react to rubbing and friction.
There are several brand-name cosmetics that cover-up and actively treat corns and calluses. These concealers are relatively cheap and come in many different hues for various skin types.
For more insight, advice, or treatment of corns and calluses contact the foot experts at Healthmark Foot and Ankle Associates. Reach us at 610-933-8644 for our Phoenixville office or 610-565-3668 for our Media clinic.