We participate with most major insurance companies. Each insurance company is different as well as each plan, not all benefits are inclusive. Please contact you insurance company prior to your arrival and inquire your specific benefits. It is important to know what is required of you for your appointment, ie: referral, co-pay, etc.

Patients are responsible or all medical bills. The amount your insurance company will pay is determined by the terms of your policy. Each insurance company handles surgery and coverage differently. Some require referrals and pre-certification, some require one but not the other and some require nothing at all. It is important that you obtain a referral before your office visit if your insurance requires one.

If this is a workman's compensation case or a motor vehicle accident, we require you to give us back up insurance (your regular medical insurance) information on the day of your visit. This is to protect you from unnecessary charges should these insurances deny coverage in the future. This includes obtaining referrals for HMO patients.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office:

The Media office location at 610-565-3668
The Phoenixville office location at 610-933-8644